Lampe tempête

Travail de rendu sur une poulie et une lampe tempête déjà modélisée.

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4 commentaires :

  1. hé bien super boulot pour la modélisation comme pour les rendus ^^ mais t'utilise quel logiciel?
    sinon ca fait plaisir de voir que le blog reprend vie, surtout pour montré de si chouette travaux.

  2. J'aime bien le chapeau et la lampe tempête...le coquillage....bien inspirée!!

  3. Hi, I'm in a hurry so I'm going to use just English.
    These works are lovely. You never cease to amaze me with the things that you learn and do. I love your works, even if I am like a fish on land when it comes to arts.
    If you're not proud of them don't post them and if you still want to post something than work on it until you yourself are satisfied with the end result. It's OK to be critical of your work, it's not that OK to do that in public, even if your blog is meant to represent you and your emotions. As an artist and a creative person it's your duty to post finished works that send your message and your emotions to others.
    I'm sorry if I'm too incisive but I want to see you posting something that you are proud of :). In martial arts there is a saying: a master always finishes his technique. Meaning that, from a certain level on you have do something correct from beginning to the end everytime in order to keep advancing. Things and actions that are half-done may lead to more and all your progress up to that point may be lost. Therefore Ariane ... gambatte! :)
    Have a wonderful day

  4. Steware : Merci beaucoup! J'utilise maya et parfois un petit peu photoshop pour de légères retouches. Malheureusement mon blog ne ressuscite que momentanément, au vu du boulot qui m'attend.
    Gwendoline : Merci beaucoup !
    Pierre : Thanks for your comment. I know I should not not criticize my work like that, but I can't prevent myself. I am never proud of my work, I always find defaults, but I'm not an artist just a student so I have a lot to learn, it's help me to be better to have a critical view on my work and also to have critics of other peoples. I would like to totally finish my work but the deadlines are really short and I have no time to make better renders.


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Je tiens à m’excuser pour les fautes d'orthographe et de grammaire que je laisse un peu partout. Je vous assure que je fais attention :)